• UNODC and corruption

    May 31, 2019· The United Nations Convention against Corruption is the only legally binding universal anticorruption instrument. The Convention's farreaching approach and the mandatory character of many of its provisions make it a unique tool for developing a comprehensive response to a global problem.

  • Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Manual

    SCA – Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Manual –2018, Version Page 3 Official Certificate Also known as certificate of achievement, completion or participation. It is an official document that certifies the completion of a

  • أرشيف القسم : الأخبار ...

    ملء خزان سد النهضة كارثة مائية لمصر. . الخميس 17 ديسمبر. . لغة المصالح بين مصر والسعودية. الحصاد المصر

  • ICSCS 2016 > Home

    We are delighted to have you here to participate in the International Conference on Smart Cities Solutions (ICSCS). This conference is coming with the goal to identify and share experiences surrounding construction of smart city systems, city context analysis, its applications and deployment experiences. We hope that you will enjoy the conference and that your interaction with your colleagues ...

  • Index []

    Lighting up the way for new beginnings: Prisoners Graduate from the First Rehabilitation Training in Palestine. Jericho, Palestine. On the 19th of November 2019 nine prisoners at the Jericho Correctional and Rehabilitation Centre (CRC) concluded their fourmonth training on Electrical Installations.

  • About Monitoring

    The aim of the monitoring mechanism of the Istanbul Convention is to assess and improve the implementation of the Convention by Parties. It consists of two distinct, but interacting, bodies: The task of GREVIO is to monitor the implementation of the Convention by the Parties. GREVIO may also adopt ...

  • Online Soccer Manager (OSM) Manage Like a Boss Join ...

    Welcome to Online Soccer Manager (OSM) Are you ready to manage your favourite club? To improve your experience of the game, we will use your ip address to group you with other managers in the same region. To ensure fair play, we also use your device's unique identifier to identify cheaters. This personal information also helps us to analyse ...

  • OCHA Syria Evaluation Report FINAL

    evaluation, giving special recognition to the staff and management of OCHA offices responding to the Syria crisis. We especially thank the staff and management of OCHA's UN, NGO, civilsociety, donor and Government partners worldwide, who gave so generously of their time. We also thank the staff and management of the Strategic

  • The Central Laboratory For Agricultural Expert Systems

    In 1987, officials at the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture and land reclamation, recognized expert systems as an appropriate technology for speeding development in the agricultural sector.

  • What is ASREN | Arab States Research and Education Network ...

    What is ASREN . Language English ASREN, the Arab States Research and Education Network, is a nonprofit international organization, registered in Dusseldorf, Germany, on 3rd of June, 2011, under the umbrella of the League of Arab States.

  • التصميم الداخلي SlideShare

    Feb 07, 2014· التصميم الداخلي 1. ‫أ‬ ‫ا ا‬ ‫ءا‬ ‫ﺘﺄﻝﻴﻑ‬ ‫ﻧﻤﻴﺮ ﻗﺎﺳﻢ ﺧﻠﻒ ﺍﻟﺒﻴﺎﺗﻲ‬ ‫6241ﻫـ 5002 ﻡ‬ ‫ﺠﺎﻤﻌﺔ ﺩﻴﺎﻝﻰ‬ ‫‪diyala university‬‬

  • Selbständig werden

    Die "Fachstelle Selbständigkeit" im Amt für Wirtschaft und Arbeit des Kantons Zürich richtet sich an erwerbslose Personen, welche die Arbeitslosigkeit mittels einer neuen Selbständigkeit beenden möchten oder generell Fragen zum Verhältnis zwischen Arbeitslosenversicherung (ALV) und Selbständigkeit haben.

  • | Consumer protection in the Middle East and ...

    UNCTAD and Egypt's Consumer Protection Agency have opened a Regional Training Centre for Consumer Protection in Cairo. The centre will to hold training courses on consumer protection law, regulations and policies for officials from countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, including from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia and the .

  • A propos du suivi

    Le mécanisme de suivi de la Convention d'Istanbul a pour objectif d'évaluer et d'améliorer la mise en œuvre de la Convention par les Parties. Il se compose de deux organismes distincts, mais en interaction : Le GREVIO a pour mission de veiller à la mise en œuvre de la Convention par les ...

  • King Faisal Specialist Hospital Research Centre

    King Faisal Specialist Hospital Research Center provides the highest level of specialized healthcare in an integrated educational and research setting. King Faisal Specialist Hospital Research Center provides the highest level of specialized healthcare in an integrated educational and research setting ...
